
Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often feel overwhelmed by their child’s condition. There is no one-size fits all approach to helping these kids, but there are some great resources out there for you! This page will provide a list parents can use in order find answers and help your kid live an independent life on the other side Of diagnosed.

Useful Autism websites In January 1970, the Society for Autistic Children (founded in 1966) started a school for learners with autism in a prefabricated building in Claremont. The school was called the Cape Town Day School for Autistic Children, with Margaret Golding as the first principal and Bernice Lieberman as her right hand. The International Council on Development and Learning (ICDL) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting each person’s development to its fullest potential. Through the genius and leadership of Dr. Stanley Greenspan, ICDL was formed 32 years ago

Autismtreatmentcenter: The Autism Treatment Center of America’s online and live via Zoom programs give you the guidance, training, & support to start your own effective in-home autism treatment program

Autism Research

Autism South Africa 

Autism Speaks

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP)

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research

National Autism Center

National Autistic Society

The National Professional Development Centre of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Research Autism

Society for the Study of Behavioural Phenotypes

South African Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (SA-ACAPAP)

TANDem Project and TAND Consortium

UCT Department of Psychiatry and Mental HealthThe National Autistic Society – National Autistic Society’s services and activities

Autism Education Trust – effective education practice for children with Autism

TEACCH Autism Program – treatment and education of Autism-related communication-handicapped children

TES teaching resources – free teaching resources

Yor-OK – support and advice for children and parents of children with additional needs

Useful Autism downloads Good Practice Report – investigates good practice in Autism education

AET Professional Competency Framework – describes the knowledge and skills staff working in educational settings require to work effectively with Autistic pupils

NAS Education Resource Pack – advice for staff in educational settings to better understand and help pupils with Autism

York’s Autism Strategy – The City of York Council’s Autism Strategy

York’s Autism ‘Local Offer’ – The City of York Council’s Strategy for Children and Young People with Autism